Annual Fund



This year’s Annual Fund, one of our three major fund-raisers, is now open until February 1.

Annual Fund Overview

Walk into the school and you will see happy, energetic, and curious children experiencing the best education Chicagoland and the North Shore has to offer. East Lake Academy is a unique place that brings together all the essential elements of a stellar academic institution while infusing a spirit of charity, faith, and spirituality into the students.

Our school is proud to offer one of the most affordable private educations on the North Shore. As with all private schools, the cost to educate these children is greater than what the tuition revenues cover. Without the Annual Fund, it would be impossible to fill the gap between tuition receipts and operating costs. Each year, the Annual Fund has helped pay for our teachers and staff salaries and benefits. It also funds financial aid, extracurricular activities, technological advances, and grounds upkeep.

Our first goal is to raise funds by the close of the Annual Fund. Because everyone has a different financial circumstance, we understand there will be variations in giving. Our total financial goal results in raising approximately $1,500 per enrolled student. Last year, gifts ranged from $20 to $15,000. We ask all our parents to consider a donation of $1,500 per child enrolled at East Lake Academy. If your family is capable of supporting a higher level of giving, we ask you to prayerfully consider donating more than the stated goal. Your higher contribution level will help offset families who are not able to meet the average financial goal. In no way do we ask that every family give an equal gift, but rather that they make an equal sacrifice.

Our second goal is to achieve 100% participation from East Lake Academy families. Last year we achieved 95% participation and are hopeful of doing better this year. Participation is vital because many foundations only fund schools that demonstrate wide alumni, parent, and administration support. Also, the breadth of commitment for East Lake Academy among parents and friends demonstrates a vote of confidence in the school’s mission.

Participating in our Annual Fund, helps to ensure East Lake Academy’s continued success in forming these future Christian leaders. We are thankful for the prayerful consideration of how to contribute to the ELA Annual Fund.

How to make a tax deductible gift to the Annual Fund:

· Donate online · Pledge a one year or one paid in monthly installments

· Call us at 847-247-0035 to make a gift using your credit card, transfer stock or to phone in a pledge

· Mail a check to: Annual Fund East Lake Academy 13911 W. Laurel Dr. Lake Forest, IL 60045 Please contact Dan Christoffel, if you have any questions about the Annual Fund.