Mass and Holy Hour Schedule

East Lake Academy families and friends are welcome to Masses and Holy Hours. For more information call 847-247-0035 x201

Religious Formation Events 2024-2025

School Day Events – Mass/Holy Hour/Formation Class

1st Tuesday

4th Mass

8:20 in the Chapel

1st Wednesday

K-8 Mass

8:20 in the gym

1st Friday

K-8 School Holy Hour

8:20 in the gym

PreK Mass

10:45 In the Chapel

2nd Tuesday

K-1 Mass

8:20 in the Chapel

2nd Wednesday

K-8 Mass

8:20 in the gym

2nd Friday

MS Mass

8:20 in the Chapel

3rd Tuesday

2nd Mass

8:20 in the Chapel

3rd Wednesday

K-8 Mass

8:20 in the gym

3rd Friday

5th Mass

8:20 in the Chapel

Family Holy Hour

6:30pm Location TBD

4th Tuesday

3rd Mass

8:20 in the Chapel

4th Wednesday

K-8 Mass

8:20 in the gym

4th Friday

MS Formation

8:20 Location TBD

5th Tuesday

ELA Community Mass 

8:20 in the Chapel

5th Wednesday

K-8 Mass

8:20 in the gym

5th Friday

ELA Community Mass 8:20 in the Chapel

PreK Holy Hour

11:00 in the Chapel

All School Mass (ELA Gym)

Every Wednesday @ 8:20am 

K-8 Holy Hour and adoration (ELA Gym)

1st Friday of every month @ 8:20am

Evening Family Holy Hour (ELA Chapel)

@ 7:00 pm

Dates TBD