Introducing Our New Library!

We are proud to say that many of our students are bookworms and avid readers! Who doesn’t love a good book? Here at East Lake, we love our chapter books, novels, and picture books that we, as a staff, grew up reading, as children. We hope that we can cultivate a love of reading in our students as it requires commitment and allows them to engage in a beautiful world of imagination. This year, we had the blessing and privilege of opening our very own library.

Do you remember the times as a child reading through a wonderfully, creative, adventurous and wholesome book? Who doesn’t love the classics such as Hardy Boys, Chronicles of Narnia, Amelia Bedelia, and for our littles, Care Bears and so much more!

It’s been a 2-year process of planning and organizing, and it has finally come to fruition. We could not have done it without our dedicated parent volunteers and staff! Thank you to our committed parents for making it happen. Many hours were spent vetting new and old books, organizing, categorizing and labeling them, and decorating the library.

Fr. Andrew, our East Lake chaplain, blessed our new library with our middle students. What a gift for our students!












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