Virtual Vibes, this year’s installment of East Lake Academy’s annual Gala benefit takes place on Thursday, May 20th from 6-7 PM. Registration is open now and closes on May 19th. This year’s event is going to be a little different than in years past. In lieu of an in-person even, we are hosting a virtual...Read More
Enjoy this year’s ELA Documentary on How to Become a Saint. We thank the All Saints’ Day Committee, teachers and staff who worked tirelessly to bring our families this very special tradition that we were not able to provide in-person this season. SEMPER ALTIUS! Read More
East Lake Academy appreciates the generosity of our families, sponsors and volunteers who support our military. For more information or to support this effort, please call 847-247-0035 x204 or fill out a contact us form on the website.Read More
We are pleased to announce that all ELA Alumni currently enrolled at Carmel Catholic High School achieved High Honors for both semesters in the 2019-2020 school year with the majority achieving Superior Honors. We congratulate them and acknowledge their commitment as they all additionally participate in extra-curricular activities, clubs, sports and apostolic service. We also...Read More
East Lake Academy Ribbon Cutting and Blessing – New Construction Hope for Our Time “If you wish, you can be taught; if you apply yourself, you will be shrewd. If you are willing to listen, you will learn; if you give heed, you will be wise. Frequent the company of the elders; whoever is wise,...Read More
East Lake Academy Alumnus, Allen Mons (ELA class of 2016), is one of four Catholic Carmel Seniors among the 16,000 Semifinalists announced in the 65th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. “These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 7,600 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $31 million...Read More
At East Lake Academy, we believe that athletics plays a very important role in striving to form our student athletes into tomorrow’s Catholic leaders. Our school motto “semper altius”, meaning always higher, challenges the student athletes to be their best for the team and for Christ. Seraphim in traditional Christian angelology is an angelic being belonging...Read More