“What is your favorite food?” That’s a common question, but the 1st graders can help you identify which food group it’s in! One of our highlights in Science so far this year was when Nurse Ms. P came in and taught 1st grade together with 2nd grade about the five different food groups – grains, dairy, protein, fruits, and vegetables. The students first learned examples of foods from each of the different groups. Then they got to play a fun game where a part of our room was designated for each food group. In this game, Nurse Ms. P told them a food and they had to decide which food group it was in by moving to that part of the room. Not only did they identify the food groups, but they also justified their choices well! One of the foods was a hamburger, but the students correctly determined that it is made of more than one food group! Lastly, they wrote about their favorite food, identified which food group it was in, and drew a picture of it. Surprisingly, one of the students said their favorite food was broccoli! The students learned so much and brought what they learned home, excited to enlighten their family and other friends on the mysteries of the food groups.