It is such a pleasure teaching the “Fabulous Four”- Ian, Caroline, Christina and Andres. In Math, they are learning about exponents and multiples of seven. In Science, we finished a unit on habitats, where the class made their own story board about how different habitats change. In Social Studies, we learned about different tribes and the class made their own hieroglyphics. Flat Francis is making his way around the second grade class, going home with each student to visit his/her family. We love hearing about their adventures with him and looking at pictures of his visit! In Reading, the class jumped right into writing their own short stories, while also learning to summarize and sequence stories. One story they loved writing about was How the Parrot Got its Colors. The students were so creative in coming up with their own folk tales. Reading has been a big part of our curriculum. We just finished a book about Blessed Imelda, the Patron Saint of First Communicants. This book is helping the class prepare for their upcoming First Communion Retreat at the end of this month, at Marytown. We are looking forward to celebrating our Blessed Mother Mary in May, as the second grade class honors her, by crowning her with flowers. By the time we reach May, the second grade class will all be receiving their first communion with the whole school! Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare for this beautiful sacrament.