As a preschooler, your child already has a leg up when it comes to preparedness. He or she has already experienced spending the day outside of the home with other kids and adults. However, because the academic expectations of elementary school are far greater than those in preschool, now is the time to start teaching...Read More
Many preschoolers are fascinated with learning how to write their names, but without the proper guidance, their efforts can be in vain. Fortunately, there are several fun tips and tricks that you can use to help your preschooler learn to write not only her name, but many other words, too. From providing the right supplies...Read More
Kindness is one of the most important traits any child could have, and like many others, their ability to treat others with empathy and kindness starts at home. There are several things you can start early on in your child’s life to help him or her learn to be kind to others in school, and...Read More