

Many preschoolers are fascinated with learning how to write their names, but without the proper guidance, their efforts can be in vain. Fortunately, there are several fun tips and tricks that you can use to help your preschooler learn to write not only her name, but many other words, too. From providing the right supplies...
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Kindness is one of the most important traits any child could have, and like many others, their ability to treat others with empathy and kindness starts at home. There are several things you can start early on in your child’s life to help him or her learn to be kind to others in school, and...
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Preschoolers and very young children often express interest in just about everything. After all, they are experiencing many things for the very first time, and the world is very much a magical place. It would seem there’s nothing that can make a preschooler happy, but most preschoolers tend to express more interest in some things...
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To at least some degree, all preschoolers will display some difficulty in paying attention, particularly when dealing with things that they don’t find especially fun or interesting. However, if you think your child’s attention issues may be something more, or if you simply want to help your child learn to pay closer attention, the following...
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Kindergarten is an important and exciting experience in your child’s life. It represents one of his or her first steps toward independence, provides the foundation for his or her academic life, and even allows your child to practice the basics of social interactions. There are numerous ways to prepare your child for kindergarten, but the...
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