

Our East Lake Academy 2015-2016 Annual Fund has officially kicked off! The Annual Fund provides a way for ELA families to help bridge the gap between tuition costs and the actual cost associated with educating each child. Our goal for the 2015-16 Annual Fund is $145,000 with 100% participation from our ELA families. Gifts to...
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Middle SchoolIt’s basketball time at East Lake Academy, and as we prepare for our upcoming basketball season, middle school students will be participating in a basketball unit for the next three weeks. The primary focus of this program is to help students refine their basic skills including: dribbling, passing and shooting, practicing taking free throws...
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Hi, my name is Zella Stockhausen and I’m a freshman at Carmel Catholic High School. I am currently in all honors classes at Carmel. My favorite subject at East Lake was Math and still is at Carmel. One of my favorite things that East Lake has and unfortunately Carmel does not is the two week...
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Please take a look at ART in the middle school! This month, The sixth grade class is currently learning about the artist M.C. Escher. M.C. Escher was a graphic artist well-known for his mathematically inspired art designs called tessellations.  Tessellations are a series of repeating patterns or designs that interlock. The positive and negative space...
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On October 1st, the fifth grade class visited Marytown’s Rosary Garden, attended Mass, and learned more information about Saint Maximilian Kolbe. The class had just finished the novel, Maximilian Kolbe, Saint of Auschwitz, so it was a great way to learn even more information from our tour guide, Brother Don. We chose to read about...
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When I asked a third grader what they were excited about in 3rd grade, they told me, “This year we get Math textbooks!” and I couldn’t have been more thrilled with their response.   Everyday, 3rd Graders start out with 100 math facts. This repetition insures a solid Math foundation, which lessens Math anxiety. Addition,...
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Spanish is a core subject at East Lake Academy, which in itself sets us apart from most other schools. However, it is our approach to teaching the language that makes us truly unique, and it all begins in our Preschool program where the children are exposed to conversational Spanish through song and play. Now in...
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In a last-ditch effort to convince their teacher that pop culture hasn’t entirely ruined the word “epic,” East Lake 7th graders penned their own original epic similes patterned after the classical models found in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. The class studied examples of the epic simile in context and analyzed its “As a, Thus b”...
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What a busy and exciting time this first part of our school year has been for our second grade class! The start of our school year has really shed light on all of the special talents each and every one of your children possesses. Yet, the growth our class has shown may just barely exceed...
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The First graders recently completed their first personal narrative. They learned what a personal narrative is, and then chose their topic. Finally, the children wrote their draft, edited and proofread their story. The students began the project by exploring what a personal narrative is, a story about a person. They examined a personal narrative and...
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